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Safety In Motion Soultions
If you are looking for a holistic approach to Soft Tissue Injury prevention, Safety In Motion® is your solution. Musculoskeletal disorders occur for a variety of reasons and organizations have different challenges when it comes to resources. At Safety In Motion we understand one size does not fit all! Discover the right fit for your culture.




One on One
Education Modules
SIM Classic introduces the SIM System for injury prevention. These topics include an emphasis on recognizing early warning signs, creating a better setup, using better physical techniques, and re-energizing to improve range of motion and circulation. The physical techniques taught are based on clinical physical therapy, field ergonomics, martial arts, and fitness principles. This curriculum is packaged into four 30-minute instructor lead training events.

Support Tools
The Safety In Motion web portal exists for the creation of individual, private, and secure web instances. This platform contains the infrastructure for both the creation of custom content, delivery of education, and management of users.

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